Myomo-Myoelectric Orthotics for BPI
Richard Looby
For information on how the Myomo (my own motion) orthotic device could help BPI patients please click here: Myomo-Myoelectric Orthotics for BPI or click here to go to their website
Suffering a brachial plexus injury (BPI) or other upper limb or spinal neurological damage from vehicle, on-the-job or other accident can be devastating: pain, weakened arm, and in some cases a completely “dead arm”. Some patients have even been recommended amputation as the best alternative.
But for many, there is a better answer. Myomo, a medical robotics company based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, has developed the MyoPro. It is currently the only marketed device that, sensing a patient’s own EMG signals through non-invasive sensors on the arm, can restore an individual’s ability to perform activities of daily living, including feeding themselves, carrying objects and doing household tasks. Many are able to return to work, live independently and reduce their cost of care. Myomo is headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts, with sales and clinical professionals across the U.S. For more information, please visit

BPI Documentary Available on DVD
The passionate video production of Newborn Birth Injuries: The Untold Story has aired nationwide on PBS stations to several million viewers! . If you missed it you can view the piece that is airing on PBS by clicking here.
UBPN was also fortunate to be able to produce a 25-minute companion documentary, which can be viewed below. You can also purchase the full 25-minute documentary on DVD (which also has the 5 minute PBS version) by clicking here. Purchasing the video will continue to help us with our prevention efforst!!

Welcome From UBPN
Welcome to the United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. web site. We are excited about increasing the resources we provide to our community of injured and their families, as well as bring greater awareness to the general public and medical community about brachial plexus injuries.
If you are the parent of a newly injured child or are newly injured yourself, please know that although you are at the beginning of a trying and challenging journey, it is not hopeless.
You will find a great deal of information on this site to give you a better understanding of a brachial plexus injury. In addition, you will find amazing support on our forums.

Information For Parents Of A Newborn With A Weak Or Paralyzed Arm
If your newborn's arm is notably weak or completely paralyzed, your child may have Brachial Plexus Palsy (BPP), also known as Erb's Palsy or Brachial Plexus Injury (BPI). The cause of this injury is usually the stretching of one (or both) sides of the neck during a difficult delivery.
The Brachial Plexus is a network of nerves that go from the spinal column in the neck down to the fingers. The mildest form of this injury is when the nerves have been stretched. When the nerves are torn (ruptured) or pulled out of their spinal "socket" (avulsed), surgical intervention may be the only hope to regain function of the arm.
Read more: Information For Parents Of A Newborn With A Weak Or Paralyzed Arm