: UBPN 2025 Retreat Cruise
Richard Looby
Our 1st UBPN Retreat is going to be a cruise out of Galveston! Retreats are going to be during the off-years when UBPN will not be having camp. The idea of the retreat is to keep the community connected since camp is only every 2 years. And, it allows us to be able to go to places that we can't go for camp. The retreats will be less formal than camp - no sessions, no doctors/professionals, just the community being together and having fun!

CONGRATS UBPN 2024 Scholarship Winners!
Christopher Janney
Nancy Birk Memorial TBPI 1st PLACE Shayla Churchill
UBPN Academic TBPI 2nd PLACE Samuel Watts
Nancy Birk Memorial BPBI 1st PLACE Olivia Kapusniak
UBPN Academic BPBI 2nd PLACE CHristopher LaRosa

7th Annual virtual race during Awareness Week !!
Richard Looby
The United Brachial Plexus Network invites you to join the 7th Annual UBPN Virtual Walk/Run Race for Awareness.
Please help spread awareness of these injuries by racing however you want, anytime throughout Awareness Week.
Pick your distance and your race preference
- Walk, Run, Bike, or Swim!
Awareness Week which is October 20 - 26, 2024.
Any ages can participate and anywhere they choose to run, inside or out!
Registration will open 8/1/2024.