UBPN Annual Academic Scholarships
Jordyn Whiting
Program Information:
Through generous anonymous donations, the United Brachial Plexus Network (UBPN) grants 4 academic scholarships annually to individuals with Brachial Plexus Injuries attending college, trade school, and/or career retraining. Two (2) UBPN Nancy Birk Memorial Scholarships ($500 each) and two (2) UBPN Academic Scholarships ($250 each) will be awarded annually to the top four applicants:
- (2) Brachial Plexus Birth Injuries (BPBI, aka OBPI, Erb’s Palsy)
- (2) Traumatic Brachial Plexus Injuries (TBPI / non-birth related)
In the event there are less than two applicants from either injury category, the remaining scholarship(s) will be given to the next best applicants from the existing pool. Individuals can reapply each year they attend any of the above education programs. Winners from one year are not eligible to win first place the following year but can still be considered for the second place scholarship.
Scholarship applications for the 2024-2025 school year open:
February 1, 2024 - May 31, 2024
Applications will be reviewed by the Scholarship Committee and winners will be notified on or before August 15th.
This is an individual scholarship that may be reapplied for every year.
Questions please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Starting this year, the scholarship awarded to individuals with brachial plexus birth injuries will be called:
The UBPN Nancy Birk Memorial Scholarship.
Please keep reading to learn more about the namesake of this portion of our scholarship program.
Nancy Birk
August 1953 - October 2021
Nancy, born in Lowell, MA in 1953, was diagnosed with a paralyzed left arm, with all five ruptured plexus nerves and Horner’s syndrome as a result of a difficult birth. Growing up, she knew she had Erb’s palsy and even visited Boston Children’s hospital as an infant for follow-up treatment. She moved to Ohio when she was five where she had two surgeries at ages 9 and 11 similar to today’s tendon and muscle transfers at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. Nancy served UBPN in various functions from 1999 until 2009, including three years as Secretary and 6 years as President/Past President. Nancy was one of the Founders of UBPN; she was there from the drafting of Articles of Incorporation and contributed to developing a mission statement and forming the vision of what UBPN would represent.
Outside of UBPN, Nancy worked at Kent State where she was a faculty professor of Library and Media Services, serving as the University’s archivist and curator of special collections. She also taught in the graduate school of library and information science. Upon retirement from UBPN and Kent State, Nancy would also often travel to Greece where she had the position of the director of a library at the American College of Thessaloniki. Nancy met her husband Tim while at university as students, and together they raised their son Josh who now has his own children.
Nancy passed away in 2021 after a difficult battle with pancreatic cancer. She served UBPN on paper for 10 years, but she has been more to the BPI community for most of her life, traveling to speak at events and helping the Board of Directors for years past her retirement. It is our honor going forward to name the UBPN scholarship for individuals with birth injuries in her name. Starting with the 2022-2023 application, the scholarship will forever be known as the Nancy Birk UBPN Academic Scholarship.

TBPI’s your help is needed!
Christopher Janney
TBPI’s your help is needed!
Up to $100 compensation for your TBPI experience and wisdom.
* UBPN is supporting this research because TBPI patient empowerment, health, and wellbeing is its goal & purpose.
- 32 TBPI volunteers needed (or possibly more).
- $50 compensation for an estimated 50-60 minutes for participation in each 1 of the 2 studies. Volunteering for both studies doubles the compensation to $100.
- Your TBPI experience and feedback are needed can help improve how newly injured TBPIs are medically treated. Participate in either 1 or both of 2 of these TBPI research studies funded by National Institutes of Health (NIH), conducted by the BPI Team at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. Both studies aim to improve the TBPI patient’s quality of care and are specifically TBPI-oriented from previous TBPI reported experiences.
You may participate in both studies if the below requirements are met:
- 25 TBPI volunteers: who have had surgery for their TBPI at some point. No time frame necessary.
- 32 TBPI volunteers: (conducted in 2 phases) 16 partial BPI & 16 complete BPI (complete = all 5 nerves injured at the time of injury / partial is not all 5 nerves injured)
Aim 3 - BPI Outcomes Assessment - UBPN recruitment details (R01 NIH Grant)
BRIEF: “Find and fix any “blind spots” within current medical assessments for TBPI medical treatments.”
- 25 TBPI volunteers: who have had BPI surgery - date of injury not important for study.
- Volunteers to complete: (20-25 min estimated to complete)
- 2 Demographic Questionnaires: (brief)
- 3 BPI related questionnaires: DASH, SF-36, & Postoperative Impact of BPI
- 1 Interview via Zoom: (20-30 min estimated to complete)
- Time requirements: under 1 hour total for $50 compensation via check
TBPI JOURNEY GUIDE Participation - UBPN recruitment details (R03 NIH Grant)
BRIEF: “A BPI Guide that’s like a coach to help the newly injured navigate recovery as best as possible.”
- 32 TBPI volunteers: (study conducted in 2 phases) date of injury not important for study.
- Phase 1: 16 TBPI volunteers (8 partial BPI & 8 complete BPI/pan-plexus).
- Phase 2: 16 TBPI volunteers (8 partial BPI & 8 complete BPI/pan-plexus).
- 16 partial BPI & 16 complete BPI(complete = all 5 nerves injured at time of injury/ partial is not all 5)
- Demographic Questionnaire (brief in length)
- TBPI Journey Guide: volunteer to read existing guide.
- Feedback survey: after the guide has been read.
- 1 interview via Zoom: (20-30 min estimated to complete, after Feedback survey is completed)
- Time requirements: under 1 hour total for $50 compensation with Amazon.com gift card
- Anonymous: no identities disclosed with research results.
"As a TBPI of almost 19 years, the last 14 of those I’ve remained involved with UBPN, part of helping & fighting for TBPIs wellbeing and health. I firmly believe this research work will profoundly improve the overall medical treatment of all future TBPIs. For once, the “whole-individual” (not just parts of a damaged body) is being considered and addressed during their personally unique experience of TBPI. From devastation this injured can wreak, a path has been charted out to encourage the newly injured’s engagement and empowerment. Help us make sure this guide is worthy for all TBPIs!" - Christopher Janney, President, UBPN Board of Directors
PS: For research publications by Dr. Christopher Dy, these two studies' lead researcher, click here: PUB-MED listing of all Dr Dy research (119 publications) or including “brachial plexus” (27 publications) only.
Christopher J. Dy, MD MPH FACS | Assistant Professor
Division of Hand and Microsurgery | Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
Division of Public Health Sciences | Department of Surgery
Washington University School of Medicine
twitter: @ChrisDyMD | nerveresearch.wustl.edu
NEW Podcast: The Upper Hand – Chuck and Chris Talk Hand Surgery

New Redbubble store featuring UBPN Logo on items
Richard Looby
UBPN is excited to release the link to our Redbubble store that features many items that feature our New UBPN Logo.
If you have a great idea for a T-shirt or design we can add that to our store as long as you own the rights. Want the logo somewhere specific? Let us know
because we can change it, move it and enlarge it if you request the item, just send to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your request.
At the website (Click here) you will find shirts, hoodies, cases, bags, just about anything to make spreading awareness easy! Choose which logo you want!

Myself Belts! I can do it myself!
Richard Looby
Click on the picture to go to the website to learn more about Myself Belts
to shop or click here