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Re: Motorcycle accidents.

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 12:39 pm
by RobertRacer
Well, look on the bright side, at least you werent on the 1098 at the time.

My accident: September 23, 2007
2007 Yamaha R1 meets Ford Expedition
They pulled out of a driveway across both lanes. No where to go and 25 feet to stop. I hit em in the back tire and went through the sideglass. Two out of 4 of my buddies hit my downed bike too. It was over a rise and fall, and my bike laying in the road was out of vision. One of them the other day said it looked like an R1 bomb went off. Parts everywhere, and cracked the frame in half.

So, I had:
C5 C6 split open (later fused to 4 and 7)
Fractured face and jaw
Broken teeth
Neck sliced open
Partially cut jugular vein
Broken L collarbone
Broken L humerous
Punctured lungs
Broken ribs (almost all of them)
Several other spinal fractures
Spleen removed
Puntured knees

Not my fault, oh well. I've ridden a buddies up the road a couple of times since, I'd probably ride again, tough to buy a new one though, it'd upset my family a lot.

I feel like a 32 year old in a 70 year old body still, but it gets a little easier everyday. I can't complain. Plus, I've always said whenever I finally leave this world, there aint gonna be nothing left usuable in this body anyway. Just thought it'd come more gradually.

Re: Motorcycle accidents.

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 12:48 pm
by racerboy
Rob - Like you, I always said that planned on wringing every last bit out of this body before I went to the other side. I'm 41 now, but the last 7 months have definitely aged me.

This accident was so freaky. An 18-wheeler pulled into my lane (he didn't cut me off) but as I looked over my left shoulder to move into the fast lane to get around him, he locked up his brakes and the distance between us just vaporized. I tried to swerve to avoid him but my right clip-on caught the corner of his trailer and down I went (actually, witnesses said I tried saving the bike after the collision, but it's likely that the BPI injury occurred at impact with the trailer, while all the broken bones happened when I slid into the guardrail. The truck never stopped, so I don't know why he got on his brakes.

To be honest, I would have preferred the accident to have been on the 1098R. They are easier to replace than Superlights plus I wouldn't be paying for a bike that I can't ride (yet)! :)

Message was edited by: racerboy

Re: Motorcycle accidents.

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 1:58 am
by Shep
July 27th 2008
Harley FLHTCUI vs Lightpole.... (lightpole won)
tore c7 c8 t1
Mayo surgery on Jan 27th 2009

still hoping and praying yet


Re: Motorcycle accidents.

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 10:48 am
by s8n
aug.07 flipped 2001 roadking didn't see fork in the road hit guide wire to pole plastic around guide wire severed my brachial plexus. spent a month in the hospital. basically destroyed whole left side of my body. broke every other rib, fractured my neck, lost my spleen, lost left kidney, broke left leg have rod in it, have bum left knee. my arm is done for fully flail. i always thought people with paralyzed limbs felt nothing boy was i wrong. the pain with drugs is barely tolerable without drugs is out of question. i was a harley tech at the local harley shop also worked with wood and did alot of construction. can't really do anything now. hope one day to find a new niche in life as of now i surf my recliner and nurse pain with a mixture of drugs and watch alot of tv and surf net.

Re: Motorcycle accidents.

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 12:38 pm
by racerboy
Breaks my heart to read some of these stories of my fellow bikers. I must be in the minority because I can say that I really have very little pain anymore. My right knee is still sore when i try to kneel on it, but the rod in my lower leg is 3mm proud (they didn't have the right size on the day of my accident) and i still have a chunk of bone floating around my shin area where the tibia broke through, which gets sore after walking. May have both the rod as well as the chunk of bone removed at a later point. As far as pain from BPI, my right thumb is tingly and my hand gets a bit sore, but no real pain in my upper arm or shoulder.

Re: Motorcycle accidents.

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 10:37 pm
by schmoe90
I'm coming in to this late, but yeah, mine was a motorcycle accident too. CB125J (I was 17, and learning - that's all you could ride in the UK then), October 1985. Generally mashed my right hand side, including a BPI.

I still ride a DRZ400SM, as it makes me happy :o)

Re: Motorcycle accidents.

Posted: Sat May 23, 2009 4:51 pm
by BruceD51
mine was a bicycle accident, going very fast down a very big hill.

Re: Motorcycle accidents.

Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 5:26 am
by snipermax
same here, april 2008,..
no broken bones.,
just minor scratches.,
but c5-t1 avulsed,...
mike, 32, philippines,..

Re: Motorcycle accidents.

Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 1:17 am
by bobsco
Motorcycle accident on Aug. 3rd, 1995. A city bus turned in front of me at an intersection and I smashed into the side of the bus. Head trauma, swelling on brain stem causing paralysis of complete right side of body, coma 8 days, brachial plexus right side.

Re: Motorcycle accidents.

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 4:12 am
by bonharvest
hi there,

im 29 now and having difficult time.. motorcycle accident cause me multiple fracture dec 29,2007.. how sad i cannot move my arm till now im just trying if there's someone can give advice.. tnx