Hi! My name is Maria J. Rincon, but I prefer my middle name better, Johana

I was adopted at age 5 in Venezuela, where I was born and raised until age 14. I have the most understanding parents and sister ever. I have grown up with a BPI on my right arm. My parents and I are almost 100% sure that this was due during labor. I can't lift my arm all the way up. My arm is not straight. I am able to move my arm, hand, and fingers, but as I grow up, i feel less mobility. I have never been on surgery for this, but in physical therapy. Physical therapy was really helpful when I was a little girl to the point that I was able to bring my right arm all the way to the left side of my head when brushing my hair. I also was able to rise my arm more than I can now. I have also tried to eat and write with the right hand, but it's hard because the fingers don't stay in place

, but I'll keep trying. I am able to hold things like bags with my right arm even though it hurts more. I was in swimming lessons and was able to bring my arm up when swimming. I also played tennis for a little while during my elementary school years and sometimes used my right arm. One of my biggest challenge in life was when i was in first grade and we had to do a show in front of the parents and they needed cheerleaders. I wanted to be a cheerleader so bad and I signed up for it. At that age, I was not really aware of my arm. However, when we were all practicing at school for the big day, I started to notice my arm

. I was like: "Why can't I do that? Why?" The big day came and there was not going back because I was not a chicken. I did an awesome job, even though I couldn't lift my arm as high as the other girls. My pom poms were the prettiest ones, and my outfit too lol. I also danced salsa in a competition, even though my arm was acting up, but I did it which was more important. It was easier to be a little girl with BPI than an adult with BPI. Now that I am in the work field, it has been very challenging to deal with adults and my BPI arm because they love to stare at it and I just want them to look at me and pay attention to what I am saying. I am currently in this big challenge in my life. When I go to interviews I am so scared they are going to look at it and judge me by that. I just need to be like that little cheerleader that did not give up.