
Because this is a complex injury and the extent of injury varies so widely, it is best to seek out the services of someone with experience in treating brachial plexus injuries. UBPN has compiled a Medical Resource Directory which includes most of the specialists worldwide. It is arranged geographically and includes contact information and answers to a questionnaire that we sent to each facility and/or doctor. We are also building a Therapist Resource Directory to assist in finding experienced therapists.

Horner's Syndrome results from damage to the sympathetic nerve system and involves some or all of the following classic clinical findings: a drooping eyelid (ptosis), smaller pupil (miosis), a sunken eyeball (enophthalmos), and lack of or decreased sweating on the affected side of the face (facial anhidrosis). Abnormal tearing can also result from Horner's. There are no complications nor is there any pain associated with Horner's Syndrome but neither is there a cure. It is important to notify hospital staff before any surgical procedure as they may become alarmed at the lack of dilation of one of the pupils if they do not know the cause.

Physical therapy and occupational therapy are very important in preventing contractures (muscle tightness) and in maximizing muscle strength and sensation in individuals with brachial plexus injuries. Therapy should be started within the first week after birth and continued typically for years. In general, occupational therapists are trained mostly in arm and hand therapy, while physical therapists deal with the whole body. Often occupational therapists are more familiar with brachial plexus therapy issues. In the pediatric field, it is often difficult to find occupational therapists in many cities and physical therapists are used with great success.

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